
Omg. I deep dove into figuring out the simplest thing possible. I needed to remove the HP, MP and the Level stats on the menu because we won't need them in game. So after some research I found all I needed to do is use // on parts of the .Js code and boom they disappeared. 

Then I needed to change / remove the menu bits. I must have spent 3 hours looking for an answer on google. I bought Yanflys item core plugin in hopes it would help. But to no avail it did not help. 

I tried a few more random plugins but again it didn't work. 

I found an obscure youtube video that showed a 10 second clip that told me to go into the database of Rpg Maker MV and go to the terms tab. You can delete the names and change everything I needed to there...

So I wasted 3 hours and 14$ to finally figure my issue out on a 19 second video.

I'm sure the plugins will help in the future but wow that was rough.


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